Tag Archives: Alpe d’Huez

Packed and ready to go

With much swearing, sweating and shoving I packed up the bike into the case last night before indulging in a pizza as just reward for wrestling it into the case. Luckily I had popped into Borders at lunchtime to read … Continue reading

Posted in 2006, Etape du Tour | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment

Famous faces on the Etape

Chris Hoy, one of Britain’s top track cyclists is riding it to raise money for Children with Leukemia, according to a story here: http://www.roadcyclinguk.com/news/article.asp?UAN=1447&v=1 So you can sponsor him or you can sponsor me, but please sponsor one of us … Continue reading

Posted in 2006, Etape du Tour | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Not quite as relaxing as I hoped

Sunday’s ride was meant to be a tapering exercise – sit in the middle of the group, take it steady up the hills. Unfortunately it didn’t work out like that as I ended up trying to lead the group with … Continue reading

Posted in 2006, Etape du Tour | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment