Tag Archives: Le Tour

Do Yorkshire’s Tour de France sums add up?

Do Yorkshire’s Tour de France sums add up? I’m not certain the hope of their claims can be matched by the expectations of reality. Continue reading

Posted in 2014, Tour de France, Yorkshire Grand Depart | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment

Can’t seem to get lucky

Another unsuccessful Tuesday at Hillingdon for me. I just can’t seem to get lucky in those races. Was going well, working my way up through the wheels in the last three laps then some numpty completely fails to take the … Continue reading

Posted in Road Racing, Tour de France | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

The hubris of Riccardo Ricco

I honestly cannot bring myself to waste my energy on being surprised or outraged by the news that Riccardo Ricco returned a positive test result on a day when Mark Cavendish made cycling history at Le Tour: Mark Cavendish completes … Continue reading

Posted in Doping, Professional, Tour de France | Tagged , , , , , , | 1 Comment