Tag Archives: Hillingdon

Avoiding crashes and points at Hillingdon

Yes, I know it’s like a scratched record, but I failed to score any points last night at Hillingdon. Then again I also avoided going down in a nasty looking crash in the sprint for the minor places. When you … Continue reading

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Cooke-ing with gas (and gelato)

So in the time that I’ve managed to go on holiday, get a tan and put on two kilos, cycling has been getting busy with doping busts, post-Tour criteriums and most importantly, The Beijing Olympics. I caught all of the … Continue reading

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Can’t seem to get lucky

Another unsuccessful Tuesday at Hillingdon for me. I just can’t seem to get lucky in those races. Was going well, working my way up through the wheels in the last three laps then some numpty completely fails to take the … Continue reading

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