Category Archives: Clothing

Things that put people off cycling: cycle specific clothing

Wearing lycra to ride your bike makes you weird. The truth is that the vast majority of people who ride bikes do so without pseudo-scientific technical fabrics or specialist footwear. This occurred to me while reading something Mark at iBikeLondon … Continue reading

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Back in Black: Why black shorts make you a better dressed cyclist

Women have the little black dress. Very few women have just the one. This should tell the predominately male cycling population something. Sadly, far too many choose to ignore a simple truth: black is the most stylish of colours. Rapha … Continue reading

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Worst professional kit of 2010: Footon-Servetto-Fuji

I am reliably told that nude and flesh tones are the most happening colours in fashion this season. My friend Lance Woodman pointed me in the direction of this fashion hate crime. I hereby declare the competition for the worst … Continue reading

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