Monthly Archives: April 2006
Music to turn pedals to
There’s one band whose name is instantaneously invoked by cyclists everywhere: Kraftwerk. Those metronomic Germans have something of a monoppoly on Le tour, musically speaking. Their 2003 album, Tour De France Soundtracks, is fairly constantly on my iPod when I’m … Continue reading
Here’s some mud in your eye
Below are a few photos I took when I got home this afternoon after my fall. As you can see, mostly just mud on me but a couple of dings on the bike. My Rapha top took the worst of … Continue reading
Chute sur la descente
I’m slightly muddy as I managed to have my first big fall of the year. Coming down a descent at about 50kph, misjudged a righthander, hit loose gravel and a rivulet of water, aquaplaned and then got thrown sideways off … Continue reading