Tag Archives: prologue

My Grand Depart weekend

Saturday was brilliant. you can read about my day on the BBC’s 606 in reply to our man-in-a-van’s post: http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/606/A24564800 And this evening spotted this interview with the lovely Victoria Pendleton: Pendleton strikes the pose of a future Olympic champion … Continue reading

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The prologue seen from an ASO car

Great video here from a chap I know: View from an official ASO car as Alexandre Botcharov rides the Tour de France prologue in London, 7th July 2007 from Alex Balfour and Vimeo.

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Allez, c’est parti!

Yes, It’s all go in London for Le Tour. Went for a pootle around the entire prologue course this morning and took some photos which are now on my TDF set in flickr: My Flickr Tour De France 2007 set … Continue reading

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