Tag Archives: Jersey

Did no one tell Team Radioshack about the 2011 kit rules?

Whispering Pines on Wheels, AKA Team Lance, AKA The Shack, AKA Grave Avoiders CC, AKA The Rolling Bones. Team Radioshack, previously owners of one of 2010’s ugliest kits, now owners of a refreshed, newly-curated kit for 2011. Looks like they … Continue reading

Posted in Professional, Video | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Team Bee jersey update

So far I think I’ve got six (6) expressions of interest in the Team Bee jersey. Just need four more to make the minimum and then I’ll start the process of ordering. So if you are interested and haven’t already … Continue reading

Posted in Charity, Clothing, Fashion, Jersey, Shopping, Style, Team Bee | Tagged , , , , , , | 3 Comments

Team Bee short sleeve jersey design v0.1

I’ve been knocking this idea about in my head for a while now: Team Bee So as I had some time on my hands this morning while waiting for the repair man to come and look at our washing machine, … Continue reading

Posted in Clothing, Jersey, Team Bee | Tagged , , , , , , | 1 Comment