Another week, another cold

Having spent most of the last two weeks feeling exhausted and not sleeping properly my body has finally kicked me in the arse and succumbed to the cold virus doing the rounds. Of course it waited until Friday evening to pick up, thus ruining the weekend for cycling purposes.

Over-exertion increases susceptibility to whatever is going round and is traditionally something endurance athletes have to battle against. Except I’m hardly an endurance athlete at the moment given my haphazard training regime and daily commuting. Perhaps I just need to wrap up better against winter – I’m still commuting in just my Rapha jersey, armwarmers and gilet on my top half, kneewarmers and baggies on the bottom half.

Still at least it gives me a chance to dose up on lemsip and assorted other potions and cures, including the classic “jewish penicillin” of chicken soup. In my case this was homemade with a thai twist of fresh chillies and garlic. I did intend to add some ginger but couldn’t find any down the Co-op.

I’ve also finally booked in for a Cyclefit on 11th December so hopefully I’ll be able to go into the new year more comfortable on the bike and with my left leg problems a little improved. I’ll try and report on the experience if I have time and get some pictures. I’m going to get my “good bike” set up properly and then see if I can’t transform my everyday one myself into the right fit as a challenge.

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