Do Yorkshire’s Tour de France sums add up?

The latest in the economic rollercoaster that is Welcome to Yorkshire’s ambitious Grand Depart is that they might have under-estimated an important tender resulting in a £2.3m shortfall.

I don’t think this is the first or last time the project will find that their hopes are matched by the expectations of reality.

A while back, I did some scribbling of numbers of rooms given accommodation was the biggest ticket in the London Grand Depart 2007 numbers (£47m across 2 stages). It’s quite dry on paper, but bear with me.

A rough estimate says Yorkshire has 180,000 bed spaces per night in total. [ (pop. France = 65.5m/365)]

That’s hotels, guesthouses & B&Bs: ” Yorkshire provides a choice of over 4,868 hotels, guesthouses, self-catering units and campsites with enough bed space to accommodate the entire population of France over the course of a single year.”

So given historic average occupancy of around 50% without the Tour, that leaves 90,000 existing beds available.

[these are handy reports for that sort of info]

The average Leeds hotel is £70 per night. So that’s around £6.3m that it can take per night with every existing bed in Yorkshire taken. [ ]

At a very generous estimation that everyone stays for a week and you count that as direct economic benefit, then you’d get £44.1m or so.

The London figures of £47m are focused on spending over about 4 days from what I can see in the documents available.

But it’s possible that some did indeed stay for longer, with the Tour forming one component of their time in London. However, there’s nothing to suggest everyone coming to London took an entire week of holiday.

EDIT 03/06/2014 – TfL’s report does actually give a breakdown of stay duration for overseas visitors: “For attendees from outside the UK, numbers of nights away from home were typically higher: One third expected to be away for 4 – 6 nights, a quarter for 5 – 7 nights, 16% for 8 – 10 nights and almost a quarter for more than ten nights.”

In fact, London average daily room rate is almost double Yorkshire at £120 according to the survey mentioned earlier. PWC pushes that figure even higher to around £140 a night:

Figures for campsites & popups would obviously bring in more, but say you hard count the nights the race is in Yorkshire to include the presentations and so on, you’re still way short of the basic number London claimed with more available rooms and a much higher average daily rate per room. I think (but haven’t double checked) that the London figures didn’t include campsite accommodation.

London and Kent generated that £70m or so in total economic impact for a capital city and its surrounding area in a boom economy, with a possibly generous spectator count over two days.

How likely is it that Yorkshire will be able to generate its claimed £100m over two days with a more limited accommodation portfolio in a – relatively speaking – remote region, faced with a global economy still creeping around the fringes of austerity post-2008?


UPDATE 24/03/2014 – attempting to compare like for like date

I mulled over these figures at the weekend, trying to see if there’s a more obvious way to illustrate the challenge Yorkshire faces. So, purely as indicative…

In 2007 London room rates were, as far as I can see, still considerably ahead of the rest of the UK. I’ve looked at Greater London Authority figures which put it at over £100, possibly closer to £115-£120 in 2009 []

Caterer & Hotelkeeper gives the average hotel room rate (which excludes cheaper B&B, self-catering and other beds) as £128.78 in June 2007 []

So pitch where you like between these figures, including that after 2007 you have a massive financial derailment that will need to be priced in somewhere.

A draft document from Rotherham council in Yorkshire [] gives the baseline room rate as £55 in 2007/08.

So if London was over £100 (conservatively) average room rate in 2007 and Yorkshire is now £70:

£100 – £70 = £30 difference between the average room rate at the time of the event.

30/70 x 100 = 42.86% is the percentage increase in potential revenue per room that Yorkshire would need to match London.

So for Yorkshire to do similar like-for-like revenue there would need to be a 42% hike in its average room rate.

Or, Yorkshire needs to find 42% more accommodation revenue to match London’s in 2007.

Does that mean it needs 42% more people coming and staying to match London? I’m not sure how these things are calculated and would welcome anyone who can tell me if this is entirely the wrong track.

Transport for London research claims that over the Grand Depart in 2007 “estimated attendance was around three million or more in London and Kent” []

So does this mean Yorkshire needs to attract 4.29m over two days to match London?

To put that in context: “The Tour de France attracts 12 million spectators along the route in a typical year’s race” according to Welcome to Yorkshire’s own materials []

Posted in 2014, Tour de France, Yorkshire Grand Depart | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment

Europe is not the answer

So, according to VeloNews, what cycling needs is more races in shrinking markets with shrinking capital investment, not new races in growing markets with growing capital investment:

“With cycling pinched by recession across much of Europe, coupled with a growing fixation to “internationalize” cycling by shoehorning the sport into untapped markets, this weekend’s Italian romp should serve as a reminder to everyone that well-organized and smartly packaged events set in cycling’s European hotbed remain the sport’s best bet.”

“At its heart and soul, elite pro cycling is a European-based sport.”

Was, not is.

Look at the number of African riders pushing through, the growth of the sport in Asia. All else is nostalgia. Looks at the crowds and mind-blowing scenery of the Tour of Rwanda.

Every bit as good a bet as another European race for my money.

At its heart the “cycling is European” meme is reactionary, xenophobic, bordering on racist. Misty-eyed nostalgia for what wasn’t an economically viable sport will help precisely no one.

If you want “High drama, with the best racers, set against a spectacular “stadium” of natural beauty”, it is impossible to argue that Oman or the Great Wall of China offer a lesser stadium, or that the fields have any less reason to be good.

I’m almost tempted to say it’s willfully stupid to suggest that the history and monuments of either offer less to a bike race than the olive groves of northern Italy.

There were, are and will be races across the globe that have every right to be as much a part of the fabric of the sport as the heritage brand Strade Bianche and the Giro del Lazio in a new dress that is Roma Maxima.

Remember what Strade Bianche started out as in 2007? It’s now on its third race title, after Monte Paschi Eroica, Montepaschi Strade Bianche. A race that’s doing so well it lost a title sponsor and is being propped up largely by the organiser RCS.

Actually, it’s probably not their fault that Monte Paschi is a massive banking basket case. But hey, it’s still “well-organized and smartly packaged”, just not so that it can attract a headline sponsor beyond an “endemic” – in this case helmet manufacturer Limar.

If you want to disagree, go ahead, but first pop quiz:

  • – The Madison is named after a venue in which country?
  • – Fausto Coppi contracted malaria while racing for professional money in which country?
  • – A “North Africa” team first raced in the Tour de France in which year?

The acceptance that their can be no other single power in the sport than ASO is not only historically wrong, ignoring that ASO only became powerful by consolidation and state backing for the Tour de France, it is dangerous for the future of the sport – and ignores ASO’s own failing to monetise its own portfolio beyond the Tour de France.

In layman’s language, the sport’s over-reliance on the Tour de France as an economic driver is exactly putting all your eggs in the one basket.

Allowing one organiser or event to gain control of a sport is exactly how motorsport ended up with the dominance of Formula 1 to the virtual exclusion of everything else. Market plurality of organisers and events within a coherent framework is vital to avoid a litany of issues, from cronyism, to corruption and sudden market failure.

Cycling has a choice: get out of its comfort zone of European races and explore the beauty of the world; or stay where it feels safe and die as a sporting attraction outside of one annual event.

By all means let’s keep heart and soul in the sport, but not at the expense of a body within which it can reside.

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What is the challenge facing British Cycling and Sir Dave Brailsford?

“The size of the challenge in Team Sky has grown over the last few years. Having won the Tour twice, it has put us on the map globally, and it feels like a bigger challenge.” – Sir Dave Brailsford to rethink British Cycling role after Track Worlds

Er, winning Le Tour De France with a British rider was the stated purpose of Team Sky from the outset. How has that challenge changed, or did they think they’d fluke it once and that would be it?

British Cycling repeatedly hammer how it’s about planning to succeed, yet – when they get there – there’s no evidence of having done so. First Wiggins loses his mind at the end of a very successful year, now trying to defend Froome’s title is overwhelming infrastructure they’ve been developing since at least 2009, if not 2008, post-Beijing Olympics.

At the same time, the challenge facing British Cycling’s women on the road keeps on growing, yet I don’t see Sir Dave diverting his time and efforts into that.

Or perhaps it’s all further proof that there is still something endemic within the organisation that would rather play with shiny toys than develop the pathway for women road riders into the elite, or invest serious thinking into expanding the base of participation beyond spuriously numbering every single commute muddling recreational transport in with sporting activity – for example, people riding a bike somewhere to go for a pub lunch – and Sky Ride as some sort of “regular cycling” activity.

UPDATE: It’s been pointed out to me that Sport England doesn’t include commuting in its figures: “excludes any cycling which is exclusively for travel purposes only” – Once a week participation survey. I’ve now amended to reflect this – my view is that a lot of people view riding to work as much as recreational/exercise use as exclusively travel – “It saves me having to go to the gym”, as the oft-heard refrain goes.

Posted in British Cycling, Professional, Women | Tagged , , , , , , | 2 Comments