Tag Archives: 2007

Un jour d’enfer

Un jour d’enfer Originally uploaded by leguape This is about as bad as it got, going through utter hell on the Port de Bales. This was where I was just clinging on grimly and trying to get over this one … Continue reading

Posted in 2007, Etape du Tour | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Etape Du Tour: job done

Having spent most of this year building up to it, I can now proudly announce that I completed the Etape Du Tour, between Foix and Loudenvielle, on Monday. I’m still trying to recover now. My back isn’t hurting as much … Continue reading

Posted in Etape du Tour, Road Racing | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

The WTF? bits

1. The bloke with one leg. No prosthesis, just the one leg. Pedalling away merrily up the climbs, in his Credit Mutuel-sponsored kit, and telling his mate not to got too hard. His mate’s reply was that he’d only catch … Continue reading

Posted in 2007, Etape du Tour | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment